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Kategória: Nezaradene > Nezaradene ATC > 

Z-Select 2000T,102x38(1790ks),12rolí=balení

Kód: 438071
Záruka: 6 mesiace
Výrobca: ZEBRA
Kod vyrobcu: 3006319
Dostupnosť: skladom do 2 dni. ( 7 ks )

Cena bez DPH:  12.35 €
Cena s DPH:  15.19 €

Objednať: pridaj do košíka

Nutno objednávat celé balení = 12ks. Uvedená cena
je za 1 ks. Odběr pouze po celých baleních, pokud
není skladem.

Zebra etiket: Z-Select 2000T kenmerken

Z-Select 2000T LABEL (102x38. 1790 Labels/rol. 12 rollen/doos)

Zebra offers labels in both direct and thermal transfer. Zebra s thermal transfer labels offer more durable,
long-lasting results with resistance to abrasion, moisture, and chemicals. Zebra s direct thermal labels offer an
inexpensive way to print paper labels, providing excellent print quality and use in a multitude of general-purpose

Zebra s thermal transfer labels are available in paper or synthetic formats.

Zebra s thermal transfer labels are available in paper or synthetic formats. Paper labels are inexpensive, yet offer
excellent print quality and can be used in a multitude of general-purpose applications. Synthetic thermal transfer
labels are durable, long lasting, and resistant to abrasion, moisture, heat, tearing, and chemicals.

Thermal transfer technology utilizes a ribbon and matching tag stock material to transfer an image onto the label
material. For the best solution with long life requirements or harsh environments, use with a Zebra ribbon.

Z-Select 2000T
A thermal transfer premium, top-coated, white, ultra smooth paper label, with a permanent acrylic adhesive.
Designed to provide optimal image quality; ideal for high-speed printing applications where premium print quality is
Recommended for a wide range of applications including shipping, document tracking and healthcare.
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